I believe that your assumptions are predetermining things
by Grace91 (2022-11-27 18:06:23)

In reply to: Yeah, or another way to look at it…  posted by revressbo

If the initial extra point is kicked, you still have the option to go for two after the next TD, but it's a 50/50 win-lose (assuming only an added field goal) in regulation. Of course, if the two point conversion fails again then a field goal is moot and another TD would be required.

One potential advantage to attempting two after the first TD is that it informs later decisions - if it's missed you have to try for two the next time, if that is missed then adding a field goal won't help and another TD is required.

It would be interesting to see the full breakdown of all of the various options and expected outcomes. I'm not motivated to chase them at this point in time, but maybe later.
