My friend named, well, we'll call him Stan.
by tdiddy07 (2021-11-11 12:14:31)
Edited on 2021-11-11 12:22:19

In reply to: Who doesn’t “blow goats” this year?  posted by Chicagond99

Stan the Welch.

At around the end of the third quarter of the 2006 Notre Dame Michigan State game, there was a spirited debate regarding whether my friends should stay for the end of the game. The week before Michigan beat the pants off us, by the third quarter of this game Notre Dame was losing by 16, and everyone was cold and miserable from the heavy storm that drenched us mid-game and still was coming down at all angles. There were two camps. Stan was in the camp to drive back to South Bend. Stan was so confident that ND was not going to win the game, he put his moneyshot where his mouth is. He proclaimed that if Notre Dame wins, he would have sexual intercourse with a goat.

Yada yada yada, my friends leave. Yada yada yada. Michigan State's radio announcer implores the team to make plays, Michigan State decides instead to just hand us the football to see if we can do any better, ND scores 19 points, and MSU's radio announcer chokes himself to exhaustion live on air.

But I'll tell you one thing that didn't get choked. And that's Stan's mouth. Because he refused to make love with a goat, or even to play around a little just to see how it feels. Every year we remind Stan that he owes us one banged goat. We would all agree to settle for one blown goat. But the man just doesn't blow goats. Not this year. Not any year. Every year when we remind him of his debt he laughs and tries to change the subject. But that's not the kind of thing you let down lightly. The man made a promise. If this were Canaan, you refuse to bang a goat that you swore to bang, and you owe another man your goat. And with no goat, how do you expect to keep milking this sophomoric joke for another 15 years?
