Oh come on.
by Giggity_Giggity (2021-07-20 18:37:04)
Edited on 2021-07-20 18:46:41

In reply to: Name calling is an excellent way of changing minds.  posted by MarkinSeattle

You really think I’m referring to people who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons, including my own 11 year old? That’s not just a reach, it’s stupid. I didn’t think I had to put an asterisk on my hyperbole and list obvious exclusions.

I am, of course, referring to the much larger population of lazy, stupid, selfish assholes out there who aren’t getting the vaccine—and thus putting the aforementioned medically-unable and under 12 population at risk—because they’re lazy, stupid, selfish, an asshole, or some combination of the four. Let’s not kid ourselves: nobody’s changing their minds, name calling be damned.

Everybody else seemed to understand the gist of my post. Direct your misguided outrage elsewhere. Might I suggest the lazy, stupid, selfish assholes out there that ACTUALLY don’t care about the immune compromised or people under 12?

Oh wait—you actually made excuses for them.

Say…you wouldn’t happen to actually believe that it’s cool for 40+% of the population to blow off getting vaccinated because they might want to “get the virus naturally” because it’s their “right?” Would you happen to be one of the folks over twelve/not immune compromised that my post is referring to, hence the nerve strike?
