Name calling is an excellent way of changing minds.
by MarkinSeattle (2021-07-20 18:25:04)

In reply to: We are a nation full of stupid, lazy, selfish a$$holes.  posted by Giggity_Giggity

Some of us can’t get this vaccine due to medical conditions, while others can but have higher risks. Calling someone stupid, lazy, selfish and an a$$hole because they are concerned about their health is divisive, alienating and does not reflect on you in a particularly good light.

You obviously feel strongly enough that I presume you have received the vaccine. That is great, you are protected if you come into contact. Why are you so angry about other people who are not vaccinated? If they feel they would be better off getting the virus naturally then that is their right and they might be correct. They are adults, they can make these decisions, just as they can make the decision to smoke, drink, go sky diving and rock climbing.

Medical decisions are hard and should be made by the person who has to live with the results.
