Excellent post. I would add
by bmoreirish (2021-02-17 15:55:58)

In reply to: I think this is a reasonable post. I disagree w much of it.  posted by Otter

Kelly’s asshole-ishness is also why I believe that he has reached his ceiling at ND. Posters will point out that many coaches are assholes (look at Saban and Meyer) but I would call them pricks and not assholes. They get pissed off at losing and incompetence but have the wherewithal to identify and fix problems, partially through self-awareness. They also empower people to reach their potential.

Kelly believes that he has reached the pinnacle so everything he does and says must be gold. That’s really what makes him an asshole. It’s also why he will never reach the elite level; he lacks self-awareness and surrounds himself with enablers.