There are a few things that beggar belief
by sprack (2024-03-02 20:42:08)
Edited on 2024-03-02 21:09:24

In reply to: Something about that poll should make people question  posted by wearendhockey

The race is tied among women?? You mean, for the first time since at least the second Reagan election there's no gender gap, and Donald Trump is the beneficiary? (For comparison, Biden won the women's vote by 11 points in the 2020 election)

23% of the black vote for Trump? A percentage that hasn't been approached for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960? For Donald Trump??

And if Trump is doing a better job of uniting his party, who are all these people voting for Nikki Haley?

Anyway, it's March 2. Four years and one week ago there were many people in the press, including Nate Cohn of that poll, talking about Bernie Sanders practically being a lock for the Democratic nomination. There is a long, long way to go and many trials, literally and figuratively, for the candidates.