Profile for VIRMAN08 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'11 Weight:  185 lbs. Alumni Status:  Carroll Hall ‘08
Location:  Downtown Miami, FL; Cleveland Favorite Baseball Team:  Indians
Natural Enemies:  Geese

Athletic Ability: Moderate.

Sartorial Style: Suit and tie at work, jeans and a polo elsewhere.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Depends on my mood (red wine, Manhattan, negroni, or tequila on the rocks).

Political Philosophy: Conservative, with weird libertarian leanings (like thinking that Intellectual Property is an oxymoron). I also find integralism and similar post-liberal thought intriguing (even if not particularly possible to attain).

Religious Philosophy: Roman Catholic. In terms of moral philosophy, I was significantly influenced by my ND philosophy class on “After Virtue” by Alasdair MacIntyre.

Musical Favorites: Tame Impala; The White Stripes; M83; Passion Pit; The Shins; Neutral Milk Hotel; Clap Your Hands Say Yeah; Interpol; Arcade Fire; Vampire Weekend; Deerhunter; Bloc Party; Bon Iver; Knife; Wilco; Wolf Parade; Spoon, et cetera.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

Miscellaneous Data: I am a debt/project finance attorney, and focus on the energy sector, especially renewable energy and storage.