Profile for MATTYCINNYC Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'10.5 Weight:  185 lbs. Alumni Status:  Class of '04, Alumni Hall
Location:  The NYC Favorite Baseball Team:  Yankees
Natural Enemies:  Tourists

Athletic Ability: Debatable.

Sartorial Style: Jeans, sneakers and t-shirt, hoodies. J-Crew, Gap, leftover issue.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I am a walking, talking Diet Coke ad.

Political Philosophy: Fiscally conservative, socially moderate.

Religious Philosophy: Lapsed Catholic.

Musical Favorites: Too many to list.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "Janusz, what is this bullshit?!?!" - Mike DeCicco

Miscellaneous Data: I'm Ron Burgendy?