Profile for DILLON09 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6'00 Weight:  170 lbs. Alumni Status:  Decemeber 2008, Walking in May
Location:  South Bend (Sodomy House) Favorite Baseball Team:  Chicago White Sox
Natural Enemies:  Kim Robeson, Most Dillon Residents, Bonger, Prayer Requests, Jeff Shoup, Cappy, Ryan Ayers

Athletic Ability: Played golf in high school. Love intramural basketball and training for a future boxing match.

Sartorial Style: Any man who answers this question has serious, serious issues.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Beer (But I don't feel the need to brag about my knowledge of the subject on an internet message board. That means you, Ribman.)

Jack and Coke

Woodford Reserve and Ginger Ale

Political Philosophy: We don't agree.

Religious Philosophy: We DEFINITELY don't agree.

Musical Favorites: Wilco, Bob Dylan, My Morning Jacket, The Decemberists, Neil Young, Okkervil River, and I could go on and on

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Anything said by George O'Leary, while he was still with us.

Miscellaneous Data: Consider me the checks and balances on this board.