Profile for COLDWATERIRISH Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'10" Weight:  unk lbs. Alumni Status:  ND '69, '72L
Location:  Lake Michigan South Shore Favorite Baseball Team:  Chicago White Sox
Natural Enemies:  Cats

Athletic Ability: Not much. Was a good basketball player in youth and enjoyed tennis and golf in adult years.

Sartorial Style: Casual. Somewhat sloppy. Strong preference for beige khakis.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Cold beer on ice daily for lunch or with evening meal.

Political Philosophy: Center left.

Religious Philosophy: Respectful agnostic

Musical Favorites: Dylan, Ronstadt, Rena Del Cid, Cat Stevens, Bob Marley

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Anything and everything said by Ara.

Miscellaneous Data: That I am really a nice guy. Hey, read my book titled "Keep the Hat on Your Head and Your Boots on the Pedals." I receive no financial return on its sales. Available on Amazon Books and other online outlets.