Profile for CLINTRENO Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  1970 MAC school, married into an ND family
Location:  Southern Indiana Favorite Baseball Team:  Reds
Natural Enemies:  Grizzly bears, mountain lions, Confederates

Athletic Ability: Hiker, biker(the kind you pedal)

Sartorial Style: Used to be inspected by the wife before I left the house but she has given up.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I drink but do not believe you need to be smashed to enjoy ND football though of late I am starting to believe it may be a requirement.

Political Philosophy: Middle of the road but do revert to my Air Force mode of "napalm the bastards."

Religious Philosophy: Catholic (convert)

Musical Favorites: Marching Through Georgia

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

Miscellaneous Data: Nothing, leave me alone. I am running short on PTSD pills.