Profile for CHICAGOIRISH Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5-9 Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status: 
Location:  Chicago Favorite Baseball Team:  White Sox
Natural Enemies:  Bob Davie, Ty Willingham, and Mark May

Athletic Ability: I played a mean game of tennis and raquetball in HS and college. Now the extra lbs slow me down.

Sartorial Style: Slacks and dress shirts during the week, jeans or shorts with button downs or polos on the weekends.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Grey Goose and tonic.

Not often enough

Political Philosophy:

Religious Philosophy: Lean right on most issues.

Musical Favorites:

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "On this team, we're all united in a common goal: to keep my job."
-Lou Holtz

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