yeah, public school guys were so much cooler *
by ACross (2006-02-14 21:27:37)

In reply to: I'm guessing he came from an all boys Catholic school. *  posted by bk

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A State "U" shaggeriffic primer.
by rknsaw  (2006-02-14 21:27:37)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Freshman Year: Shag high school seniors and ugly chicks.(God love the Zeta and KD houses)

Sophomore Year: Shag your girlfriend the whole year.

Junior Year: Dump girlfriend, shag freshmen.

Senior Year: Shag everything, including but not limited to the librarian, homecoming queen, senior thesis study buddy and international econ grad assistant.