I make my kids ride the bus for this type of education
by BmoreIrish (2024-04-30 10:14:03)

In reply to: Assorted learnings from riding a bus to school.  posted by Bruno95

My kids live a pretty care-free life and are do-gooders because that's what their parents are/were. The bus helps toughen them up to a degree. Every dirty word, crude gesture, and mean put-down they have learned has come from the bus. I use it as a "how does this make you feel" situation to try to help them decipher right from wrong and how to make tough choices when the only adult there just has the responsibility of getting everyone home alive.

So far, four years in, I love it.

My favorite bus story this year actually comes from a superintendent decision. Here in CT we were at 92% totality for the eclipse. At first our school was going to give out glasses and take all of the kids outside to view it. After many parents complained, it was decided that they would not take the kids outside. Instead, they would learn about it inside and then be handed glasses on the way out of school. At 3:30pm. At the height of the eclipse. Many parents picked up their kids early, the rest rode the bus.
Essentially "we wash our hands of this, the bus will handle it." To your last line I would concur, and add that drivers across this nation were tasked with driving their 10-ton containers full of feral animals during the eclipse, doing exactly what a school full of teachers and administrators would not.
