Rule #1 worked for me...he had a switchblade on the bus
by ndgenius (2024-04-30 10:14:03)

In reply to: Assorted learnings from riding a bus to school.  posted by Bruno95

and one day decided to slash and cut up the back of the seat in front of us. That made the newspaper and within weeks there were camera boxes on all of the busses. Sadly, they couldn't afford cameras for all the busses so it rotated and taller people (like me) could see when the camera was in there and when it wasn't.

I saw a guy get a handjob on the bus and heard lots of gang conversations.

I lived on a private golf course and rode the bus (6th-8th grade) with known gang members and people who are in jail today for drug-related offenses. Half of my bus was relatively affluent passengers and the other half had mustaches and probably were held back 1 or 2 times.