Gorilla in a blackout
by RJD (2005-11-09 01:07:25)

In reply to: your greatest campus prank?  posted by FightOnForMorrissey

Mild pranks: I borrowed my roommate's halloween costume during a blackout and ran around campus wearing out the hairy feet.

Back in the dorm, the suit scared the hell out of one the best backcourts in the country...who were up to nefarious pursuits themselves when the gorilla came through the door.

--Our second party as freshmen, we filled up a room with mattresses and invited quite a few townies - most of whom pranked us by quickly leaving.

--The late Al Sondeij [sp] (20" biceps, collected money for India hunger drive outside dining hall) would deal cards under your door if you hesitated to play gin during exams week.