No doubt...I am excited to have dead cat
by KnightlyRevue (2021-12-02 10:16:51)

In reply to: I hope they replace Quinn and Alexander  posted by Bruno95

over Kelly and his self important prick excuse filled persona. I would have preferred a candidate like Matt Rhule but I am 100% behind Freeman as the early returns indicate a strong character and someone with the charisma and drive to be successful at Notre Dame.

And yes, Quinn needs to hit the bricks and join Camp Shanty down in Baton Rouge. I want a dynamic recruiter and developr of talent at WR and that ain't Alexander. Time for him to hit the road as well.

Can we get an elite OL coach and true run game coordinator? Will Rees eschew Kelly's shackles and dedicate more practice time to the run game and play to our historical strengths? Time will tell but Rees is all football all the time and comes from a football family so I would not say the chances are zero.