ND can win multiple national titles in the next decade.
by MrE (2021-11-29 23:10:13)
Edited on 2021-11-29 23:10:45

Charlie Weis’ 3-year run of #5, #6, and #2-rated recruiting classes demonstrated ND can assemble championship-caliber rosters.

The manageable schedule, plus the school’s willingness to invest the necessary dollars to get current with other major programs in facilities, coaching staff, and support staff/services demonstrated a coach with Brian Kelly’s credentials and flaws (recruiting, staff-building, offensive philosophy) can bring Notre Dame to a level directly below championship-caliber.

Mike Bohn, USC’s Athletic Director, demonstrated this past weekend that a major power in college football can hire a widely-considered unattainable, elite/superstar coach away from another major program and comfortable situation.

Elite talent paired with elite coaching is possible.

It always was.