There are stats on RB hit at or behing LOS, QB hits, etc
by btd (2021-11-14 10:31:07)

In reply to: The offense and Oline sucked before Quinn  posted by Colonel Mustard

All of those have had a dramatic decline this year -- oddly the first year where he doesn't have starters that were trained for multiple years under HH.

The OL play isn't just the standard our run offense is nowhere near where it should be. We still cannot handle the most basic stunts -- they showed multiple on replays in the UVA game where Coan fortunately managed to make a guy miss that went totally free off a looping stunt the OL should handle with ease.

Williams is getting hit at or behind the LOS at about 2x the rate of last season. Fortunately, he runs through the first guy much of the time or stops on a dime and changes direction and gets something.

There is no comparison at all to Quinn and HH on any stat of any kind for OL. It is bad. Extremely bad. Worse yet -- the players that do the best are the ones coached by him the least.