St. Mary's...
by Kbyrnes (2021-11-01 01:58:02)
Edited on 2021-11-01 09:45:20

In reply to: Burke Golf course off Angela Dr.  posted by oh.irishman

...$30. No permit/pass needed. First right after you exit at 77 from the toll road and head south on 933. A reasonable walk to campus via St Mary's Road; there are also Transpo buses and cabs that will take you by the bookstore. After the game you are routed south on 933 where you can either turn right at Angela and make your way up the west side of the river to Cleveland Road, or to downtown South Bend where you can then navigate to wherever you're going. $10 less than Burke with almost identical ingress/egress and walking distance to the stadium.

EDIT: You can tailgate--we've done it, and many do. It's not the atmosphere of the Stadium or Joyce lots, for example, but it's fine. They are mostly parking vehicles on the grassy area between the main building complex and 933 and west of where the railroad tracks used to be. There are portapotties and trash receptacles. I think the only restrictions are on open flames and deep fryers. See link.
