Most manic-depressive was my freshman year in 1974.
by rgvirish (2021-10-22 11:05:01)

In reply to: Give me your worst SC/ND experience  posted by mkovac

College football fanaticism was new to me so the hoopla on campus even on an away game was kind of amazing.
So, watching with my new dorm friends while downing a few beers was fun when it was 24-7 (?) at half-time. I was having a blast since I didn't even have a high-school team to root for before coming to ND. So all this rah-rah stuff was new to me. (My hometown was too small and too poor to have a HS team.)

Then friggin' Anthony Davis returned the opening kick of the second half for a 102-yard touchdown.
And that started "The Comeback" and that was that.