Yes, and then No to your second question.
by MrE (2021-10-21 09:55:39)
Edited on 2021-10-21 10:23:26

In reply to: Don’t night games usually get bigger TV viewership numbers?  posted by Chicagond99

Here's the thing about night games and attendance in general:

Where are all the 25-year old alums/fans? I used to attend 4-5 home games a year in my early 20s, and am down to now 1 per year.

That's the circle of life, same as it ever was. ND alums age out, attend fewer games, but there's the next crop of young fans/alums to fill their seats.

It seems like ND has a younger-fan issue, even after modernizing the stadium to fit the younger fan's needs.

Where are those 20-somethings?