I think you are wrong about this in present day.
by Chicos bail bonds (2021-10-20 20:27:05)
Edited on 2021-10-20 20:30:21

In reply to: No it wouldn't....  posted by NDVirginian

I have lived in SB my entire life, and graduated from ND in '94. I used to look forward to every season and would secure tickets to as many games as possible. That ended for me about 5 years ago. I dont attend anymore unless it has the potential to be a historic type game. I hate to tell my kids why I dont go anymore when they ask about going. I tell them it really isn't enjoyable for the cost. I dont even go with free tickets. And I am about as rabid of a fan as there is until about 5 years ago. The "real fans" were abandoned for the cash. If you dont get that, you haven't been paying attention.
