I added it a few months ago.
by No Right Turn on Red (2021-08-11 12:27:13)

In reply to: This poll is skewed to elicit no's  posted by RJD

(To be clear off the bat, moving an ND game from NBC to NBC Sports, Peacock, USA, should never happen, and a failure on our administration. Below is merely my thoughts on Peacock, unrelated to ND's dumbassery.)

When the WWE Network shut down and migrated over there, Peacock offered four months for $10 total. Considering I was paying the WWE Network $9.99/month, that was an easy decision, even now that I'm out of the promo period up to $4.99/month or $49.99/year. To me, everything else on the channel is bonus. There's also a freemium version with a smaller library if you want to give that a whirl.

Peacock has some good TV shows and movies in its catalog. It's not up to Hulu's level (and certainly not Netflix or HBO Max), but not terrible, depending on your taste. I was able to watch Eurovision this year, the Indy 500 practices, and the Olympic trials through there. If I liked soccer, that'd be a huge plus as well. I believe NBC Sports is shutting down this year, moving everything over to Peacock. They definitely need to work on their UI though.

That being said, I would recommend paying for Peacock only if you're really into WWE, soccer, classic TV shows, or Harry Potter. I would not subscribe if original content, a deep library, 4K/HDR, and an intuitive interface and search feature is important to you.
