Reported Reasons and a Speculative Thought
by NDTwice (2021-07-20 12:49:56)

In reply to: I do not understand the anti-vaxxers. The development of  posted by FrMiceli

(A) Reported Reasons: I have heard it reported in various media outlets that -- 1) Some African Americans are skeptical because of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 2) Some illegals are hesitate to get vaccinated because of fear of deportation. 3) Some do not trust the government. 4) Some have concerns regarding the side effects of the vaccine because there isn't a long-tern record of its effects. 5) Those under 50 or so were not getting Covid until recently. 6)An emerging reason is a loss of confidence in the vaccine since some fully vaccinated--and notable persons (key Democrats and sport figures)--have contracted the Delta strain. 7) Some wonder if Covid is so serious why are thousands of untested illegals being allowed to enter and being spread across the country.*

* Many on this board could readily provide solid objections to these concerns but that is beside the point. People follow their "Perceptions" irrespective of whether they are objectively correct or not.

(B)A "New" Sociological Thought: There are some in our society who live in the present with little or no thought of future consequences. Social scientists have labelled this "a concern with immediate gratification" or a "it can't happen to me" syndrome. Whatever, there are some people like this. They smoke in spite of cancer warnings. They have unprotected sex in spite of all the pitfalls that accompany it. Retirement plans never enter their minds.

Regarding the vaccine, I don't think it is a Salient Topic for such persons. It's not on their agenda. They don't distrust it or the government, they are simply living their lives without giving the issue much thought.

FYI: I am fully vaccinated.
