Don’t ever buy tickets on stubhub months in advance
by Chicagond99 (2021-05-19 12:37:46)

In reply to: Tickets Tangent - how can a family of 4 attend these days?  posted by mcgibblets

You shouldn’t buy early for any sporting event. And especially not for ND. It is a 100% guarantee that you will be paying a massive premium price if you buy now. If you wait until game day for almost any ND game (short of the 1 or maybe 2 big games each year), you will get them for less than face value. The same goes for most sporting events nowadays.

I am pretty sure ND will be at close to if not full capacity in the fall (the Cubs are already at 60% as of Memorial Day, and Indiana has far less restrictions). And the electronic ticket isn’t a huge hurdle. It’s pretty simple to transfer those tickets to others in other sports, so you’ll be able to still scalp around the stadium from fans who have extras. You’ll be fine.