I've used photos of the tickets for bowl games
by btd (2021-05-19 10:58:43)

In reply to: I usually get poor internet service around stadium  posted by JBrock18

I have all tickets on my phone for the family in this mobile world. Rather than have to be there with all of them in line and flip through the tickets on my own phone or transfer them, I just take screenshots of the tickets and the kids get in with the photos without any issue at all. The barcode still works and their systems simply check that it hasn't been used more than once versus some kind of verification that it is the original.

So, for scalping, you will be able to hand people you are friends with a photo to bypass the ND system of enforcing minimum prices, fees, etc. Technically you can do the same with any random scalper too -- but then you have to trust they have not given out multiple copies of the same ticket.