Yes, I agree, though my post didn't come off that way.
by revressbo (2021-05-04 22:30:18)

In reply to: The issue for BK is the lack of big wins.  posted by Tex Francisco

What I was trying to convey was if BK had only a 7-year run from 2010-2016 that was about the equivalent of 2017-23 (presuming similar results in 2021-23 as we've seen the past four seasons, which is not guaranteed) and then left/resigned/retired in 2016, I think it'd allow his tenure to be viewed more favorably - even if not a homerun success - because he clearly turned the program around, showed that it's possible to still win big here (even though he couldn't do it himself) and then got out of the way, presumably for us to hire the next coach who actually could win the national championship. Instead, we'll end up having wasted a decade-and-a-half under Kelly, an extra 7 years than we would have in the hypothetical scenario.