It just feels fake with him.
by revressbo (2021-03-18 11:23:50)
Edited on 2021-03-18 11:33:38

In reply to: 1st:you're welcome. Once you see it, you can never unsee it (link)  posted by ColoraDomer

“Maui Brey” felt genuine. “Homeboy BK”, and whatever you want to call this, feel inauthentic. Like an awkward middle-aged dad trying to be cool to his teenage sons and friends. “I’m the cool coach.” Perhaps it feels fake due to purple-faced and the numerous throwing of players under the bus publicly in the past in BK 1.0. Admittedly, there’s been less of that in the new coat of paint BK, but it feels more like he’s suppressing his base instincts and trying to force a personality that isn’t actually his, and it’s a bit cringe-worthy because of that.

But whatever, if it gets recruits and results (and for the record, I don't really think it does either of those, but I don't think it hurts, mainly no effect), then who cares really.
