Jobs in which schmoozing is the job
by ndtuba (2021-01-04 14:31:02)
Edited on 2021-01-04 14:33:25

In reply to: To do what, though?  posted by El Kabong

Essentially what Archie Griffin's role has been in the OSU athletic dept since his playing days ended; hang out with the bigwigs in the luxury boxes and at special events while getting his picture taken and recounting for the millionth time how he won back to back Heismans.

For lower profile players, perhaps you get offered a director of community affairs position at a bank or insurance company in which you do essentially the same thing but on a smaller stage. You don't have to know how to read a financial statement or know about federal banking regs, you just show up and smile and tell amusing anecdotes about your time playing under Woody/Earle/Coop/Urban etc. Columbus is full of these types.

Players who didn't start and whose names have been forgotten, well, maybe you get to wash the cars on the lot.
