Don't leave over that dumb post.
by IrishJosh24 (2021-01-02 22:43:26)

In reply to: * *  posted by Moff

Everyone is feeling bad. People are scratching and clawing for ways to make themselves feel better about the loss and the general state of the program.

Some are pointing out that we have no clue how good we could be with an elite head coach because we haven't had one in over two decades. Others are apparently blaming our most recent national championship winning coach for I guess leading us into the wilderness and forcing us to replace him with a series of dolts.

Of course it doesn't make any goddamn sense. It's not really supposed to make sense. It's not a comment borne of deep thought. It just dulls the pain for a few minutes.

Don't let it be the reason you walk away from this place. Your voice is needed here.