Yanking Mirer would have been astronomically stupid.
by RagingBull (2020-08-07 04:27:38)

In reply to: ND gave up 20 unanswered  posted by Up the Irish

We fumbled 4 times that day. None of those were Mirer's fault. Waters' mishandling of the punt was more egregious. And after Mirer's Interception, the Stanford coach made adjustments as if he were a Hall of Fame Coach who had won multiple Super Bowls, had analyzed every play Notre Dame had run for the past 2 years, and coached a defense led by a future Hall of Fame Safety and GM.

In hindsight McDougal was a better fit for Holtz's offense. But McDougal was not a known commodity at the time. His performance in '93 was surprising to most even within the program.
