Did her privacy wall obscure her vision of the driveway?
by tdiddy07 (2024-04-26 08:03:17)
Edited on 2024-04-26 15:20:58

In reply to: Harpy neighbor rides up my wood  posted by Nyirish08

That's some nice petard hoisting. It is hard to imagine how or why someone would be pulling in so hard to their driveway just to park. Does anyone else live in the house?

I agree that I can't think of any reason why you would be liable. But that doesn't mean that she won't look for blame. I would have a hard time finding the lumber company liable either. While there are foreseeable damages to making the wrong delivery, I really have a hard time finding it foreseeable that a person already driving outside would not have sufficient time to notice this and adjust unless they are driving negligently. I could perhaps see an argument that someone backing out of a garage into the driveway could have obstructed vision and not see the pile in reverse.
