Profile for TFM Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  some other college a long time ago
Location:  I travel way to much Favorite Baseball Team:  Once it was the Cubs, but I've given up on them and now like my nephew's Little League team the best
Natural Enemies: 

Athletic Ability: None from a participatory standpoint. My athletic ability lies in statistics and management.

Sartorial Style: Hoping that What Not to Wear realizes I might be a good candidate.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Harp

Political Philosophy: More conservative than some and more liberal than others. I have a rule. Don't talk politics.

Religious Philosophy: See the above rule and substitute the word religion for politics.

Musical Favorites: If I listed them, then you'd all realize I am way older than most anyone here. So, I'll start with the Limelighters and move to the Rainmakers. That takes up the 1950s and 1980s.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: None. I only quote people who make a difference on a global level.

Miscellaneous Data: I don't tolerate fools very well, but I suspect you may have already guessed that.