Profile for SOCALSUBWAYIRISH Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  myob Weight:  myob lbs. Alumni Status:  not applicable. (BA Loyola Marymount-81)
Location:  Los Angeles Favorite Baseball Team:  Dodgers (love-hate really)
Natural Enemies:  USC Fans

Athletic Ability: Uh, I'm an excellent driver.

Sartorial Style: Jeans and expensive shoes.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Red Wine or Jack Daniels/Club Soda.
More than recommended by the Surgeon General.

Political Philosophy: Left Coast Michael Moore lovin' populist, yet with little sympathy for those who can, but do not work for a living.

Religious Philosophy: Yes.

Musical Favorites: Changes by the hour. Mostly rock.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: # and # isn't good enough.

Miscellaneous Data: Not sure why I love Irish football so much, but it is my favorite thing.