Profile for SAYITOUTLOUD Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6'5'' Weight:  200 lbs. Alumni Status:  2004
Location:  Denver Favorite Baseball Team: 
Natural Enemies:  fundamentalists of any ism

Athletic Ability: Collegiate Club level in all the tall man sports.

Sartorial Style:

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Interesting Red Wines: Piculit Neri and Chateau Le Pey are some go to favorites under $20. On special occasions anything with a big tannic punch.
Hoppy/Malty IPA's: Myrcenary as a go to and Pliny the Elder when I can find it.
Bloody Marys when I tailgate.
Margarita's with the in-laws.
Something stronger with the wife's.

Political Philosophy: You can't tax your way to a balanced budget.

Religious Philosophy: Too many otherwise smart people are emotionally beholden to far too much nonsense.

Musical Favorites:

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:

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