Profile for MATTY96 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6'1 Weight:  205 lbs. Alumni Status:  BBA 1996
Location:  Connecticut Favorite Baseball Team:  Yankees
Natural Enemies:  Michigan and Southern Cal. Also, self-important ass-clowns that congregate around the bar, thereby preventing me from obtaining alcohol in a fast and orderly fashion.

Athletic Ability: Are we not Notre Dame men? Superior intellectually, gifted athletically, with a lucrative earning potential, and possessed of a relentless sexual energy?

Played everything in high school, not much anymore. Play a little golf.

Sartorial Style: Suit up!

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I do not discriminate - I like spirits, wine and beer. That said, most of what I drink I get for free from work which allows me to regularly imbibe well beyond my means. Fine wine, gin cocktails and single malts get most of my love right now. Lots of Guinness gets consumed during football season.

Political Philosophy: Conservative. Low taxes, small government, against abortion and death penalty.

Religious Philosophy: Catholic, and trying hard to be the best I can.

Musical Favorites: Like stuff that rocks. DBT, Titus Andronicus, Uncle Tupelo, classic rock. Also: Gaelic Storm, Ice Cube, Johnny Cash, Pogues, old Metallica, GBV

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "If you've been there, no words are necessary. If you have not, no words will suffice" - Lou

Miscellaneous Data: I always become happier when I'm drinking and I always exaggerate everything, except for my manliness which is awe-inspiring.