Profile for IRISHBUZZ Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  6 ft Weight:  195 lbs. Alumni Status:  BS Chemical Engineering - Mississippi State Univer
Location:  Houston, TX Favorite Baseball Team: 
Natural Enemies:  I try to respectfully get along with everyone. I don't let assholes push me around, and I work to avoid narcissists.

Athletic Ability: I played football in high school. Currently, I struggle with motivation to work out and stay active. I occasionally play basketball or football with my sons (B11, B8, B6).

Sartorial Style: Nothing special here. Office is business casual.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I enjoy craft beer of all kinds, especially local Houston brews. I sometimes purchase whiskey or scotch for special occasions, especially with a cigar.

Political Philosophy: Grew up Republican and religious in a heavily red southern state. In the last 5 - 10 years, I have shifted more moderate on social issues and have left religion behind. Due to Trump and the Republican party response to Trump, I have shifted to voting for the Democratic party.

I highly value fiscal responsibility, which leads me to be cynical with our two-party system. I don't a path to recovery while both parties continue to add to the national debt.

I'd like to see less emphasis on religious influence in politics. Basically, do no harm and keep your own religion to yourself. Gay marriage is a no brainer.

Abortion is more nuanced for me because it does involve taking the life of a human being. The life of the mother is also important: does she have support in raising the child? I am in favor of some compromise here (abortions legal for up to 20 weeks) and would vote to expand government support for pregnant and single mothers.

Religious Philosophy: I grew up in church but did not truly believe in Jesus. After going through a personal crisis, I had believed that I was a true believer and was an active church member for 15 years or so since my 20s. This has changed for me since the pandemic.

Since the pandemic (catalyzed by the George Floyd murder), I've stopped attending my Protestant non-denominational church. His murder helped me see what African-Americans have experienced repeatedly. I was devastated by the church's response. The white majority church (speaking for Southern Protestants, not necessarily for Catholics) refuses to have empathy for the plight of African-Americans.

The majority culture church (white evangelicalism) had a prominent role in perpetuating slavery, Jim Crow, etc. The confluence of white evangelicalism and the Republican party (overwhelming support for Trump) was the final straw for me.

Musical Favorites: I have a few favorite artists (Fleet Foxes, Pink Floyd) but generally like creative classic rock, indie/alternative, 90s rock.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you're never as bad as they say when you lose." - Lou Holtz

Miscellaneous Data: I've been a lurker at NDNation since the days of the Molder of Men. I tend to read this site daily but hardly ever post. "Read more post less" is a motto a try to take to heart.