Profile for GERONIMORUMPLESTILTSKIN Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5' 10 Weight:  210 lbs. Alumni Status:  B.S. in Computer Engineering, 1995
Location:  Dallas, TX Favorite Baseball Team:  Chicago Cubs
Natural Enemies:  Skunkbears, scientific materialists, people who chew ice, guacamole, Visual Basic

Athletic Ability: I was once actually pretty athletic. However, a couple of years ago in a softball league while playing third base, the voices from the opponent's dugout kept encouraging their teammates to "hit it to the third baseman". I've since hired a personal trainer and cut my body fat % down quite a bit. Age is a bitch toward athletic ability, though...

Sartorial Style: (After looking up "Sartorial"...) Jeans, polo/ND shirt, and boots pretty much everywhere...

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Without Diet Coke, I would cease to function. Alcohol-wise, I like tequila, Long Island iced teas, and boilermakers (shot-and-a-beer). Not much of a drinker, though...

Political Philosophy: Conservative in the William F. Buckley sense of the word.

Religious Philosophy: Orthodox Roman Catholic. Think Karl(1of1), except that I usually check out the (oYo) posts...

Musical Favorites: Bruce Springsteen, The Who, John Mellencamp, and now that I live in Texas, Brad Paisley and Cross Canadian Ragweed. Oh, and Weird Al Yankovic is a lyrical genius.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Not a quote from a coach, but on a poster from way back: Under a glistening gold helmet were the words "If this is all you know about Notre Dame, you have a lot to learn."

Truer words could not be spoken.

Miscellaneous Data: I entered ND in '92 as a 25 year-old sophomore, and graduated at the age of 28. I lived in the dorms, though after a year of living with 19 year-olds, I got my own room.

I am currently studying for a Master's degree in Theology at the University of Dallas.

I was an usher at NDHouston's and ewillND's wedding, and they were in mine (April 2007), too.

I got to shake hands with the pope on my honeymoon in Rome. 2nd best experience of the trip....