Profile for GATEWOOD44 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'7" Weight:  155 lbs. Alumni Status:  89 COTH
Location:  North of Pittsburgh Favorite Baseball Team:  Pittsburgh Pirates
Natural Enemies:  Bigots, bullies and blowhards

Athletic Ability: In my 60's, not much left (former marathoner).

Sartorial Style: Retired teenager

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Iced tea and chocolate milk (Teetotaler? No. See religious philosophy below)

Political Philosophy: Establishment liberal

Religious Philosophy: More spiritual than religious (12-step graduate)

Musical Favorites: Rock, alt-country Americana (from YES to Jason Isbell and Cody Jinks)

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Those who know Notre Dame, no explanation's necessary. Those who don't, no explanation will suffice.”

Miscellaneous Data: Dropped out of high school at 17 and graduated from Notre Dame 10 years later. A dream deferred but never abandoned.