Profile for DULAC93 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'7" Weight:  250 lbs. Alumni Status:  Class of 1993
Location:  Minnesota Favorite Baseball Team:  NY Yankees
Natural Enemies:  exercise equipment

Athletic Ability: not a spec of athletic ability...

Sartorial Style:

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I eat and drink almost anything... frequently

Political Philosophy: think for yourself and stop listening to the talking heads.

Religious Philosophy: pretty much the same as my political philosophy!

Musical Favorites: I love musicals! Any broadway show will do...

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Don't talk about your problems. 80% of the people don't care, and 20% are glad you got them...

Miscellaneous Data: Seven different majors in four years under the dome... finished two of them.