Profile for DINGER9927 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'7'' Weight:  210 lbs. Alumni Status:  BS '07
Location:  Kalamazoo, MI Favorite Baseball Team:  Atlanta Braves
Natural Enemies:  Trojans and Wolverines

Athletic Ability: You're five foot nuthin', a hundrend and nuthin'...and you marginally outperformed your lack of natural athletic ability.

Sartorial Style: Jeans or shorts. Grew up out west so struggle with formal attire.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Two drinks of whatever and I am feeling it.

Political Philosophy: Romney/McCain Never-Trump Republican

Religious Philosophy: Orthodox Catholic but not traddy

Musical Favorites: Country

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: “Every game you will have a decided schematic advantage.”

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