Profile for CALNAUGHTONJR Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'9 Weight:  200 lbs. Alumni Status:  2002/2003 MSA
Location:  Washington, DC Favorite Baseball Team:  Baltimore Orioles
Natural Enemies:  People to whom sense is not all that common

Athletic Ability: I finish in 2nd place a lot.

Sartorial Style: Butt Naked - see Honcho, Mike

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Anything that will get me hammered drunk, like that time in the front row at the Skynyrd concert

Political Philosophy: Me and politicians go together like suits of armor and electrical storms

Religious Philosophy: I like to think of Jesus like a dirty old bum. He's comin' up to me, and I'm 'bout to sock him, cause, you know, he's a dirty old bum, but then I say, "Wait a minute, there's something...I don't know...special about this guy"

Musical Favorites: Pearl Jam, Tool, Led Zepplin, Beastie Boys

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you respond to it" - Lou Holtz

Miscellaneous Data: I've got a message for you other NDN posters out there. If you smell a delicious, crispy smell after I post, it's not your tailpipe. It's just a little of Shake...and Bake!