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The Ultimate Back Room Thread

This thread was started by FOFM on the Back Room and eventually took on a life of its own. The links to the posts will probably not work, but then again, it's the thread titles that count.

This pretty much summarizes the typical day on the Back Room. As the old saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun.

The text of the original "blanket statment" post:

Pithy retort.

Stronger blanket statement.

Sarcastic ad hominem.

Derisive abuse.

Vulgar insult.

Vulgar insult.

Vulgar insult.

Vulgar insult.

Macho taunt questioning manhood.

Hysterical personal threat.

Over-the-top, scathing personal attack with tirade involving sexual acts and familial denigration.

Meek apology.