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Fire Charlie?

When Charlie was hired, we purchased as many derivatives of "firecharlieweis.com" as reasonably possible because we found the whole phenomena of "firetywillingham.com" and its related sites so antithetical to what Notre Dame is supposed to stand for. Wanting change is an individual prerogative, but setting up a website whose sole purpose is to humiliate someone is neither mature nor intelligent. Anyone who would operate such a site, regardless of who the coach is or what he or she may claim about their allegiances, is no Notre Dame fan. If you want change, work for it in the context of your support and love for the university, not via embarrassing slobberings about how a football team isn't winning enough.

If you don't like that, feel free to bite us.

Edit: It's been brought to our attention we need to clarify the paragraph above. Silly us for thinking reading at a 6th grade level was part of the ND fan package.

You guys don't want Charlie fired. Where the hell did an idea like that come from? The four of us are unanimous in our belief ND football would be better served with a different head coach, and we fervently hope Jack Swarbrick reaches the same conclusion.

You guys are uncomfortable calling for Charlie to be fired. Right, that's why we've written plenty of blog articles saying Notre Dame should fire him. Damn that uncomfort, it's itchy.

You guys think people who want Weis fired aren't real Notre Dame fans. That's zero for three. A lot of people who post on NDNation want Weis fired. Some do not. Both sets are Notre Dame fans.

We'll summarize the paragraph above, slowly: People who run fire-so-and-so.com sites are one-trick ponies, and ND fans are supposed to be better than that.

Sites like that offer no perspective. They have no diologue, no context, no depth. Their sole purpose is to rant and rave, and gradually (if not immediately) become an echo chamber for their own hysteria. It's all about getting someone launched because that's all it seems they care about. It's intellectually shallow, and Notre Dame fans are supposed to be better than that.

Even worse, some of them use that ranting to try and make money off someone else's misery, as was part of the firetywillingham.com phenomena. Even though we wanted him gone as well, we found actions like that completely antithetical to what ND is supposed to stand for.

No matter what individual coaches in individual sports come and go, sites like NDN (and UHND and ISD and BlueGraySky and all the others) will still be here, talking about the important aspects of the school and its athletics programs. Fire-so-and-so sites will be gone like the flash in the pan they are, having done nothing to enhance Notre Dame's reputation along the way.

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