He's a dickhead
by HTownND (2016-12-31 14:18:50)
Edited on 2016-12-31 14:19:39

In reply to: Minus his own petulant violence, of course. *  posted by NDBass

But it's a two way street. It's also sort of chicken and egg too. He gets fucking mauled a lot with no calls, especially last year. I think that is part of why he's a d bag a lot of the time, because he gets treated like shit too. And part of it is his game. He's a physical player. It's why I think the goal sums it up. He wouldn't have gotten that call so he had to create it on his own through force and determination. That doesn't make him less of an asshole, but it also shows some of the shit he deals with (some of which is his own making).