You seem to be confusing things.
by IrishJosh24 (2023-03-07 19:53:12)
Edited on 2023-03-07 19:53:46

In reply to: People on this site need to do a better job of reading  posted by krudler

On the one hand, there is a "selective leak" whereby certain information or spin is shared with the public, perhaps through a preferred media source, and other information is withheld from everyone. In this scenario, everyone gets the same information, but not the same opportunity to ask questions perhaps. And everyone is denied the same set of withheld information.

On the other hand, there is a "selective leak" whereby broad information is shared exclusively with a preferred outlet and withheld, in its entirety, from everyone else. That one outlet gets all the information. No one else gets any.

I think that distinction matters a great deal. It also explains the "selective outrage" you are perceiving here. The things you are describing are not really equivalent. There is good reason to be more bothered by one than the other.