I don't even understand the logic.
by IrishJosh24 (2023-03-07 10:14:02)
Edited on 2023-03-07 10:16:20

In reply to: I see that Tucker Carlson has dropped another bombshell  posted by ufl

Does every single person need to be violent at every single moment for it to count?

Does a video of someone wandering around in the Capitol doing nothing erase all the videos of others bashing into police officers, beating them with poles and such, breaking stuff and threatening members of Congress?

I agree that the notion that some eople did no damage and weren't violent isn't groundbreaking. And it justifies nothing. That we still have people trying to justify and explain away January 6 is absurd. It isn't hard to say "That was wrong and never should have happened, and we'll make sure it will never happen again."
