I know a few people like that.
by Domer84 (2024-02-29 13:59:03)

In reply to: MAGA believes Trump's support is vast and that  posted by Freight Train

One of my BILs in fact. It's hard to convince him that Trump is poison.

The vast majority of Republicans I know, however, had hoped that Trump was gone after 2020. Like Covid, he keeps returning.

If the vast majority of R's voted like the ones I know
by AquinasDomer  (2024-02-29 14:11:24)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

Marco Rubio would have won the 2016 primary going away.

The white collar educated GOP never wanted Trump, but it's a shrinking component of the party.