Socialist nonsense
by airborneirish (2024-02-25 14:44:41)

In reply to: They should create a system where if you make good faith  posted by FaytlND

Rather than continue to throw taxpayer money at artificially inflated education cost. We ought to get the government the fuck out of this business and let the market drive down cost and improve quality as it has done and just about every goddamn thing else. Educational resources are ubiquitous. We don’t need the power of a government purchaser to incentivize spending or investment. This is a massive global industry.

Do you realize it is impossible to read the entire US tax code before it inevitably changes again? Do you think that continuing to make it more complex is sustainable?

If we want people to be able to afford education afford, housing, afford anything we need to get the fucking government out of the situation, not more into it.